Wednesday, March 30, 2011

decroated Easter cookies

 here i am rolling the dough. It's really good it has vanilla bean in it.
 I cut out chicks and bunnies.
 I put 12 on each pan. The resipe made 2 pans.
 I had 4 colors and white to decorate.
 My Mom told me to make a dam around the edge.
 And here is my first chick. I swirled the icing and made a pattern.
And here's a batch of cookies.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

 my favrite part was chopping the pineapple.

 ok my best favrite part was licking  the schmear
 we didnt have a silicone pan but it still came out.
 it was so good and guess what? the cake tasted like sugar dreams cookies

Friday, March 18, 2011

My Blue Apron

this is the first thing I baked with my blue apron of course bouchons. My mom got some new choclate and it was so good. Yes ok thats my pajamas and I bake a lot after my bath because sometimes we dont have a dessert and I bake at night.

Ad Hoc and Bouchon Bakery

 Of course we went to Ad Hoc because this is the book I have that Tomas Keller signed a long time ago. I always wanted to go eat here and French landry too but my mom says not until I'm like 18.
 I relly liked the bread and I think I ate like 10 pieces with lots of butter.
 my mom said the salad was so good. The pears were good but I don't relly like salad that much. I forgot to take a picture of the benyays because I think we ate them too fast. The coconut sauce was sooooo good. I don't like coconut with chunks but this was smooth. yum!!!
 This is me and chef David Thomas. He was really cool and another chef even gave me his blue apron!!!!! The lady at the door said no one except the chefs  has a blue apron except the chefs little boy. I am lucky.
And we went to bouchon bakery after dinner and they were closed but they let me in I think becuse of my blue apron and because I stared in the window a long time. This is the baker making bread and i got my favorte twisty bread when i left and some macroons and bouchons. Boy was it my lucky day.

Road Trip to Napa

So we went on a road trip to Napa and I realy wanted to meet Steve Sando. He knew I was coming over and he met me at the store. It was so cool and we played with a big bowl of bean s and saw all the giant bags of beans.
 This is my sister Sophie and me and Alex. Sophie got to take a few beans so she can plant them because she likes growing things.
 This is me and Steve and my Mom and brother and sister also took a picture with us.
 This is me on a big bag of beans with Steve. He is relly funny and nice. Oh yeah I forgot to say I actally tried a sample of some beans and I really liked them and that was my first time to like beans.
This is me and sophie playing a mexican game.