Thursday, July 5, 2012

Lavender Pound Cake

I made lavender pound cake. my mom got some lavender from a farm in Maui. I really wanted to make lemon but this is what I made.
 I wore my new apron from Pineapple Grill that chef Isaac gave me

 Here's the lavender

Well I think it turned out good except I wish I  would have sifted out the lavender pieces. First I made a lavender sugar by grinding it with sugar. My mom found a recipe online and we changed it a little but we should have changed the part of the chunks of lavender because I didn't like it in there
My mom made some lavender whipped cream made from icing sugar infused with lavender and she made some strawberry coulis, (thats a strawberry sauce) and I tried to make this fancy but I messed up a little

Coconut candy, passion fruit butter and banana bread

We went to a stand in Maui called Julias Banana Bread and this is what we bought:
 I HATE coconut but my mom loves it. She said this was the best candy in the world and it is made by cooking fresh cocanut in water and sugar cane
 we dipped the banana bread in the passion fruit butter. YUM. My mom made some when we got home and its way better because she put a vanilla bean in it
 the lady named Julia uses strawberry bananas and no eggs in the banana bread
 the bread was perfectly baked and sooooo good
This is the really bad road we had to drive to get the banana bread and it was so scary.

Pineapple Grill in Maui

So we went to Pineapple Grill and its the same owner as my favorite restaurant in San Diego the prado.

I got a pineapple grill apron!!!!!
 This is Chef Issac. He's really super cool.
This is Chris and he knows Chef Jonathan at the prado. he is the owner of pineapple grill. He's really nice too. They have really good food too. YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!